
Tournament Itinerary
Pool Play Games
Activities / Extras
Bracket Play
Single Elimination
4 game Guarantee with 3 pool games seeding into Single Elimination.
The Entry fee is $595.
Pool Play and Bracket Play will be no new inning after 75 minutes and will include roster bat options as well as unlimited defensive substitutions.
​You can pay by check or online at www.UncleCharliesTournaments.com. ​
Pool play will begin at 8:00 am on Saturday
Teams must be USA sanctioned and provide proof of insurance, concussion certificate. Bring all items to Check-In or Electronic check-in option available by emailing all documents to checkin.unclecharlies@gmail.com
This is NOT a stay-to-play event however, we have set up room blocks and ask that teams needing rooms please book through our partners.
Please mention you are with Uncle Charlie's Tournaments when booking.
Platinum Awards For Pool Play
Homerun Derby*
Softball Olympics (Free)
Softball Olympics-
Uncle Charlie's Softball Olympics will take place at Emory Adams Park.
Teams can participate in the Olympics after their pool play games on Saturday.
The Winner of each age group will be crowned on Sunday at Emory Adams Park.
Relay Race - (Min. 4 Players) Players from your team will participate in a relay race.
The score is calculated by averaging the times of the race. The team with the lowest time wins. Each team is allowed two attempts.
Example: 4 Players run for a total time of 40 seconds (Team time is 10 Seconds)
Example #2: 9 players run for a total time of 81 seconds (Team time is 9 Seconds)
Four Corners - (4 Players Required) The 4 members of the team throw the ball around the diamond. From Catcher to 3rd base, 3rd base to 2nd base, 2nd base to 1st base & back to the catcher twice. The ball must be thrown from the base. The team with the lowest time wins. Teams may attempt this event twice.
Long Toss - (Min. 1 player) This is an overhand throw competition. The Player throws the ball overhand as far as they can and the distance is calculated from the starting line to where the ball initially lands. The team with the longest throw wins. Each player is allowed two attempts.
Speed Pitch- (Min. 1 Player) This is an underhand Speed Pitch Competition. The Player with the maximum velocity will be recorded as the winner.
The team's scores are calculated based on Uncle Charlie's Olympic scoring method. The winner of each Category is awarded ( if 10 teams participate) 10 pts, 2nd place 9 pts, 3rd place 8 pts, etc.
The team with the most amount of points at the end of the games is awarded the team trophy for Uncle Charlie's Softball Olympic Games.
For questions about the tournament please contact us directly. Text is the easiest way to get ahold of us.
Tournament Director- Shannon Cole 330-340-0784
Asst Tournament Director - Aaron O'Brien 330-203-8074